Friday, September 18, 2009


Where to start? Not at the beginning -- not yet. There's time for that. I'll start now by saying that this is a blog about perfection and flaws, about all that is right in the world and things that are wrong. But, mostly it's about my effort to be as good a dad as my son is a perfect boy.

Being a good dad--a really good dad--is not necessarily easy. We men aren't usually brought up to be good dads. Yes, maybe we learn we must love and support our family, but that's just the minimum that should be expected--rather, demanded. But fatherhood is riddled with challenges and struggles. We're all going to mess it up now and then. And, more than anything, we often just won't know what to do a lot of the time.

So, that's on my mind all the time. But the main point about this blog is to share my thoughts about navigating the world with my son who uses a wheelchair. He has a neuromuscular condition called spinal muscular atrophy and that causes muscle weakness and that means he can't walk. More on all that in another post.

But, what I'm trying to figure out is how to deal with an imperfect world on my boy's behalf. You see, he's only 3 years old. So, I still need to protect him, provide for him, and teach him how to navigate in an able-bodied world and teach him to have confidence, certainty, and inner strength. I need to make sure he knows he is perfect, even if his body fails him. I need to make sure he knows that when people stare or make ignorant comments, they're the ones that have something wrong with them, not him. He is my perfect boy in an imperfect world.

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